BPD-GB – Motor Bearing Protection Device Incorporates a grounding brush


Problem: The increased use of VFD’s offers substantial efficiency improvements. However, a key drawback is stray VFD generated currents that result in premature motor bearing failures.
Solution: The BPD-GB
- Specifically designed to divert the stray current that is generated by VFD’s; utilizes established grounding brush technology.
- Incorporates all of the standard BPD contamination exclusion features
- Most effective current diversion technology available today
- Performance is consistent throughout the life of the seal. Minimum operating life rating is 5 years of continuous duty.
- Standalone grounding brush available for applications where there is minimal airborne contamination, i.e. , HVAC applications.
- No special shaft coatings required as is required with fiber brush technology.
- Works on all shafts and surfaces.